If you are looking for a remote job that can be done from Calverley, West Yorkshire then take a look at Avon.
Becoming an self-employed Avon Representative gives you an opportunity to earn that fits around your lifestyle and commitments.
This is just as true whether you want to earn a little extra to put towards Christmas or you want to build your business to provide your main income.
Earn up 30% & Get Paid Weekly
You earn up to 30% commission on your sales (that’s upto £3 for every £10) and you will earn commission from your very first sale.
Online sales commission is paid weekly to your bank.
Earn Your Way – With Avon you choose how you want to sell
- online via social media with your own digital brochure and website
- with our paper brochures
- or a mixture of both
Work Online & Social Media
When you sell online this can be done from the comfort of your own home. Avon will process and deliver the orders to your customers, and commission is paid into your bank weekly.
You will have access to promotional material and videos as well as training on how to find and grow your online customers.
Work with Printed Brochures
A new brochure is published every month which gives you plenty of opportunity to share them and there are new products and offers every brochure to excite your customers.
Training & Support
You’ll be welcomed into an Award winning team and given the support you need to get started and to grow your business your way.
Learn your way – Pick n Mix training
Choose from:
- a 90 Day Step By Step plan,
- training webinars every week on a range of topics,
- Facebook support groups
- as well as one-to-one coaching
and more to get you off to a great start.
Personalised Business Plan
Everyone has different goals with their business and different ways that they would like to work. Every Avon Rep runs their business differently.
We will help you create your own business plan that will fit around your existing commitments and circumstances and is the right fit for you.
You just need to be 18 or over and a UK resident to join Avon as an Independent Representative.
Apply now or get in touch info@repsanywhere.co.uk for more info.